The Window

The mind is a room in the house of your body. Visit this room often. Check it for cobwebs and dirty closets. Patiently, clean up. Open the windows and let fresh air come in. Sit in your favorite chair and meditate. Allow silence to teach you that which no one else can teach you. Be still. Breathe. Listen.

Enter the room of your mind often. Without judgment, clean the floor. Then, play. Go ahead and redecorate. Paint the walls a different color….perhaps the color of dreams and hope and compassion. Buy your favorite flowers, get new pillows, and smile. Your mind is your home. Light up a candle and let the bluebird of peace enter through the window. Make the room of your mind cozy. Make it safe. Feel supported and loved in it.

Then, stand by the door…have courage and leave it open…let the breeze enter as you welcome life in.

Written by Ana Maria Pineda on 1/06/2024.

Ana Pineda