Week Ahead Astrology: Venus Retrograde Edition

Your Astrology Is Here @anamariapinedacom

Week Ahead Astrology Forecast

The week begins with Mars going direct. The energy is now picking up speed and the places in our lives where we have been feeling stuck or blocked can now finally be changed. Mars going direct is beneficial for all signs but mainly for Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).

However, we may not necessarily know how does changes will take place until after Tuesday. On Tuesday, Mercury (Planet of the Mind) conjuncts Saturn (Planet of doing and manifesting), and the message from the Divine is delivered as to how to mold the clay, what changes and actions to take, and clarity on what to do next.  Pay attention this week to insights from your Inner Being as something about the path ahead of you will be made clear.

This week we are preparing for the upcoming Venus Retrograde which will take place on Saturday. Venus is going retrograde in the sign of Aries, which will impact all Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) as well as all Cardinal Signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn). It is also potent for you, if you have your Venus in Aries or in an Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) or Fire Sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). We will be feeling the power of Venus stationing the whole entire week. Pay attention to how Venus themes and spiritual lessons show up in your life this week. Dates to pay attention to:

Venus Retrograde 2025 important dates to watch for:

  • Venus in Aries: March 1st to March 27, 2025.

  • Venus in Pisces: March 27th to April 12, 2025

  • Pre-retrograde shadow period: January 18 to May 26, 2025

  • Venus retrograde: March 1 to April 12, 2025

  • Post-retrograde shadow period: May 16 to September 16, 2025

About Venus

Venus rules everything we want and desire. Venus rules our heart space. Venus rules love, peace, harmony, beauty, money and balance. Venus is all the people, places and things we treasure and value. Relationships are in focus. Our hearts are calling us to listen. This week, it's important to pay attention to your heart. What do you long for? What do you need and want? What do you love and care about? What is the current state of your love and financial life?

During a Planetary Retrograde, we have an opportunity to review and redo the area of our life highlighted by the Planet moving in retrograded motion. Notice where your Natal Venus is in your chart and notice where Venus in the sky is transiting in your chart. If you need further assistance, you can schedule an appointment with me. The Venus Retrograde beings this week and will continue all the way until the end of September 2025, when Venus finally moves out of the post-retrograde shadow period. The Fall Season this year will be significant, so pay attention to what shows up in your life then. Particularly during Libra Season (Libra is ruled by Venus).

It’s interesting to me that Mars (Planet of action and forward direction) would go direct in a Water Sign before Venus goes retrograde, because we are invited to take action from an emotional/intuitive part of our selves (Cancer rules intuition and gut feelings). We may feel in our gut what is best for us, but now the Universe is asking us, “Do you really want this?.” We may be taking action or going on a specific direction, but the Universe is asking us to check with the wisdom of our heart. “What does my heart say about this that I am creating or working on? Am I placing attention and action in the right place?”

Venus is the principle of relating. We have an opportunity to check with the current state of all our relationships with others. For example, the retrograde energy may show up in relationships, where you may question “why am I doing this? Is this the right relationship or situation for me?” When Venus goes retrograde, the Universe points out the areas that we need to work on. You may question how much effort you are placing in a relationship or how much effort the other person is placing in the relationship. What needs to be worked on in my relationships? What relationships are no longer working for me, and which are? Relationships can be like house plants; those that we feed and give water too, grow; and those that we don’t – die. So, the question then becomes, what do I want to water and feed in my life? What relationships are worth investing in and which are not? What relationships or areas in my life do I want to flourish? Venus is asking us to look closely at our relationships, the state of our heart, and our financial life.

Venus rules money and beauty. Do you see your value? Do you see your beauty? Do you see how precious and unique you really are? If you don’t, then maybe it's time to explore why? All things in nature are made of love, to love and to express love. How is love being expressed through you? How are you receiving love? and money? and beauty? and all things Venus?

One way, I have worked with Venus in the past, that perhaps can help you too, is through a Self-Love Technique: Start by standing in front of a mirror and looking at yourself as it it were for the first time. Find something to appreciate. Do it for 30 days. Notice what happens when you do. I’ve used this technique in the past and it has helped me develop greater self-love and appreciation. I’ve been made fun of since I was a kid because of my nose. I have a big nose. When I was young, I thought of getting surgeries to make myself prettier and more acceptable to others. But, as I have grown. I’ve learned to see the beauty that resides in my spirit. I see my culture and my Ancestors in the structure of my nose. I see my dad, who is no longer alive. I see my mom, who is the most beautiful person I know. So now, what many may see as ugly and unacceptable…has become beautiful and unique to me. I now see my nose and smile with appreciation. If you struggle with self-love and acceptance, then take a look at yourself in the mirror. See the beauty that resides in your Eternal Soul and let the Divine guide you from there. Venus retrograde gives us an opportunity to deepen self-love and appreciation.

The Venus retrograde also provides us with an opportunity to look at our financial life as well as our life overall, how beautiful is my life? How is beauty expressed through me and how does it show up in my life? This is a great time to create more beauty and abundance of good things in your life. Look over the state of your financial life and notice what is working and what is not. What are your financial goals and dreams? Time to get clear on that. As the retrograde unfolds, we will gain more clarity on changes to make in all the areas ruled by Venus.

Venus retrograde is a powerful time to get our heart in order. To clean up the closets in our heart. Heal your heart. Nurture your heart. Venus holds our innocence. We have an opportunity during a Venus Retrograde to restore our innocence. To Love as if our heart was never broken. Make space for healing, Make space for new energy to enter your heart. Value and treasure what truly matters to you. Make Love a priority. Make all Venusian things in your life, a priority. We have an opportunity to create more beauty, art, balance, and success is all areas of our lives. It is important during a retrograde to take some introspective time and check in with yourself. Journal. Meditate. Go for a walk. Talk to your Angels and Guides. We never walk alone, and the entire Universe is aware if us. Helping us. Cheering us. Assisting us to create happy, harmonious and most importantly meaningful and helpful lives.

This week is all about Venus and the upcoming New Moon in Pisces, which takes place on Thursday. I will be writing a whole blog just on that! So, expect another blog tomorrow or Tuesday to prepare you for the next 28 ½ days of the New Moon Period. In the meantime, your Soul is knocking at the door of your heart. Open the door. Sit with your Inner Being. Listen. It’s time.

Thank you for your support. Follow me for more @anamariapinedacom and http://www.anamariapineda.com

Ana Pineda