Mars Pluto Opposition

Mars Pluto Opposition

Astrology is truly magical! Especially, when it comes to life before your very eyes, as it happened to me this morning. Today, we have the second of three oppositions between Mars (energy, passion, anger, aggression, frustration, and action) and Pluto (force, power, transformation and death/rebirth). The first occurred back in November 3rd, 2024 and the second one perfects tomorrow but it’s already felt today. The third will occur in April 26, 2025.

The energies of the Mars-Pluto opposition played out before my eyes this morning, Let me explain…

I’m at the supermarket and notice my favorite vegan patties on sale. So I decided to buy several packages (I only buy in bulk when there’s a great sale). I grabbed the rest of my grocery list and headed to the counter to pay. When I’m paying, I notice I’m charged regular price.

So, I bring it up to the supermarket cashier, she of course must check the price as there may be an error on my end or on their end that needs to be corrected. I and the people in line patiently wait for an answer. Time went by and sure enough the packages were on sale and she proceeds to make the change on the system. However, she charges me one extra again. I bring it up and she gets upset and starts arguing that her system is not showing what I say I’m seeing on my monitor.

So at this point I can sense the pitch in voice change, ”Ma’am I don’t argue, unless I’m right.” After much fuss, she realizes she made a mistake and tells me to go to another counter where someone else will fix it for me. Of course, I go and it gets fixed. But by the time I got to my car I feel ashamed, tired and just want to go home.  However, I pause knowing that the Mars Pluto opposition is happening today and tomorrow and I know that the Universe is a Great Teacher and that everything that happens, happens for a reason. So, I sit in my car for a moment and meditate on the matter.

When I’m done meditating, I realize I’m upset at myself and not at anyone else. I allowed myself to get upset over something trivial and small in the larger picture of Life. And what I was actually ashamed and upset about was what I had said to her “I don’t argue unless I’m right.” Which implies that she’s wrong. And that’s not the truth. No one was wrong. Someone simply had forgotten to change the pricing sign, that’s all. There was no need for any fuss whatsoever. And yet the human desire to be “right” gained momentum at that moment in time in both the cashier, the manager and myself.

The idea of “I am right and you are wrong” is represented by the current Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius energy. No one is right. There are just various points of view. We were all seeing the pricing situation from different angles. That’s all. Mars being retrograde was teaching me at that moment a valuable lesson, which is why I’m sharing it with you.

Mars retrograde gives us an opportunity to be wiser with the use of our energy. Mars is energy. We have a choice on how we use our energy…our thoughts…our words…our actions. We get to choose. No one chooses for us. When the cashier began to argue with me, I allowed myself to get on the defense. I chose to raise my voice because I allowed myself to think that I was right and she was wrong. But really, isn’t everything a matter of perspective?

Mars opposite Pluto gives us an opportunity to become aware of our triggers and transform them. Know your boundaries and set clear, healthy boundaries with yourself and others. Mars Pluto opposition bring up opportunities to shift the paradigm of I’m right and you’re wrong. Mars teaches us about anger, frustration and how we express those energies and during a retrograde we get to look within and transform those aspects of ourselves that the Universe reflects to us. Every moment is an opportunity to grow and become a better human being.

An opposition gives us an opportunity to become aware of our choices and how those choices impact the world around us. We can restore balance, shift, transform and transmute energy within us. We can change our perspective, which changes our actions. Pluto helps us become aware of our inner and outer power dynamics, and the ways we define and express power in the world. Our choices are a reflection of our character. What is your character? And how is your character reflected back to you by life itself? Those are some of the powerful questions we can ask ourselves right now as the Mars Pluto opposition currently plays out in the sky. Notice how anger, frustration, irritation or the need to be right is showing up in your life or the lives of others around you. Arguments, confrontations and petty fights are possible at this time as Mars and Pluto oppose each other. Connect with your inner wisdom and notice the opportunities for growth in your life right now. Remember, our choices make our lives. Notice your choices., and choose to express your energy wisely.

Expect another blog before the end of the week. Thank you for reading. Follow me for more @anamariapinedacom


Ana Pineda