Weekend Astrology Forecast

Your Weekend Astrology

The Moon will be in Pisces on Friday and Saturday. The Moon is welcoming in the beautiful, flowing energies of Venus in Pisces. Both Moon and Venus in Pisces are beneficial for all Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

The Pisces Moon invites us to pay attention to our emotions and feelings. We may feel sensitive and more intuitive than usual. Listen to your emotions and your heart. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Speak from your heart, the Truth is always found in the heart. Express your feelings with kindness. Seek harmony and emotional balance in all situations. Pisces rules dreams so pay attention to your dreams this weekend.

The Pisces Moon and Venus in Pisces this weekend provide a great opportunity to connect with loved ones and friends. Time to be social or connect with your soul by finding a cozy corner at home and resting. Great weekend to sleep in, get a massage, go to a spa, enjoy a warm bath, go to beach or do something soothing and relaxing like drinking a calming tea. Practice self care this weekend and care for those around you.

A quincunx between Mars and Venus in the late afternoon on Friday and into Saturday, may bring to the surface tensions in relationships. Communication is key. Listen to each other. Remember the healing power of love.

Venus is in Pisces now and it is a great time to improve our relationship skills. Venus is exalted in Pisces. This weekend we are encouraged to swim deeply in the realms of Venus. With Venus Exalted, we can open our hearts deeper. Connect more profoundly with others. Open our hearts to magic. Love surrounds us and anything is possible. Believe in Love. Trust Love and Love will always find you.

On Saturday, the Sun sextiles Saturn, and it’s a great day to get things done. Run errands. Catch up with work. Start new projects or finish old ones. Start a new routine. This is a great day to get re-started on New Year Resolutions!

This is not a day to overthink or procrastinate, it’s a day to get things and energy moving! It’s a great day to start something new or finish something you have already started. If you have been thinking of going back to school, getting a new job, fixing your resume, starting a new career, buying a house, starting a DYI project, or manifesting big changes to your life foundations then this is a great day to research into the changes you are wanting to make and get started. The Sun and Saturn are encouraging us to get moving and get started.

Saturn represents time and reality. How are you spending your time? What reality are you building for yourself? Saturn encourages us to get real about our lives and ask ourselves the tough questions. Saturn is about facing reality and making the necessary changes. Its time to get serious about ourselves and our lives.

Saturn also represents the Elders and Teachers in our lives. How are you honoring the Elders and Teachers in your life? Who are your Teachers? What have you learned from them? Express gratitude and share your wisdom and knowledge with others. If you have been thinking of teaching or learning something. This would be a great day to get started.

On Sunday, the vibe changes in the afternoon as the Moon moves into Aries. Great energy for the beginning of the week. Aries wants to lead. Aries wants to be first. Aries encourages us to get inspired and fired up about the changes we are wanting to make in our lives However, take your time and don’t jump into things too quickly. Don’t make hasty or impulsive decisions. Take your time and don’t rush.

The Moon in Aries is beneficial for all Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). Great day to work on creative projects, new routines and starting something new that you are excited about (like a new fitness routine). Aries can get hot under the collar quickly so make sure to watch your words and actions on Sunday and Monday.  Practice patience and be kind to others and yourself. And above all…make it a great weekend!

Expect another blog on Monday. Thank you for reading and follow me for more @anamariapinedacom

Ana Pineda