Mercury enters Aquarius Horoscope

Mercury, the Messenger of the Divine, enters Aquarius on February 5th and will stay in the sign until February 23rd.  It is a great time to revolutionize the area of your life influenced by Mercury in Aquarius. Time to be true to yourself. Set yourself free and explore your freedom. Great time work on innovative and progressive initiatives. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Expand your social circle. Connect to the collective consciousness. Ask yourself, how can I help the world around me? How can I help my community? See the bigger picture of your life

Also, it is a great time to learn something new. Step out of the ordinary. Get creative and experimental! Expand on original, unorthodox ideas. Work on group projects. Walk to the beat of your own drum. Don’t overthink and trust your intuition. Join a local or online community. Get involved in social causes that matter to you.

How will Mercury in Aquarius influence your sign? (works best if you know your rising/ascendant sign)

Aries: Time to get social! Make new friends or reconnect with old friends!

Taurus: Time to focus on your career. You are not happy with the status quo. Step out of your comfort zone and explore what your heart wants.

Gemini: Time to find faith and hope again. Take a trip somewhere and clear your mind. Renew, refresh, and reset. Time to find new inspiration.

Cancer: Time to let go and transform. Your intuition is heightened and you know what to do. Trust yourself. What do you need to let go of?

Leo: Time to focus on your relationships! If you are partnered, notice the state of your relationship. What needs changing? Is this the one? You will get your answer. If you are single, this is the time to get out there and explore your options.

Virgo: Time to focus on self-improvement. Create a healthy routine. Get organized. Tie up loose ends. Take care of your body (hygiene, nutrition, sleep, etc.).

Libra: Time to focus on birthing something new. Whether it’s a child or a new project. Return to what gives you joy and explore new ways of creative self-expression.  

Scorpio: Time to focus on home and family. What needs to be transformed? What makes you feel safe and secure?

Sagittarius: This is a favorable time for learning something new and taking care of the details of daily life. Improve your relationships with siblings.

Capricorn: Time to focus on your money. Financial issues come into focus. Explore your sense of self-value and self-worth.

Aquarius: Time to focus on you! It's time to reinvent yourself,  create a new look, and present yourself to the world in a brand new way.

Pisces: Time to retreat from the world and focus on your deep, spiritual needs. Time to review your life. Where are you going? What do you want? What have you been neglecting?

Ana Pineda