Venus Squares Nodes of Fate

The Nodes of Fate are doorways. Entryways of destiny. The South Node is the door through which we let go, surrender, and move beyond our past. The North Node is the doorway to the future. Today, Venus, the planet of Love and Money squares the Nodes of Fate. Venus stands in the middle of the road, the place of making a choice…she can walk through the doorway of the past or she can walk to the doorway of the future. Time to make a choice.

Venus, stands in the present moment with a choice, do you go back to the past? To the ways things have been? Or do you go forward? Do we repeat old patterns? Or do we learn from the past and create a new fate for ourselves? Have you learned the lesson? Are you willing to make the changes necessary to get to where you want to go? Are you willing to step into the unknown?

Venus meets with the Nodes this week, in preparation for the New Moon on February 9th. Pluto, the planet of transformation met yesterday with Mercury. Activating our mental capacity to choose and go deep within the Self, to know what the best option for us is. The question is, are we listening? Are we paying attention?

As the Moon wanes in Light, we are being assisted in the process of letting go of old patterns of behavior and habits that no longer serve us. We are being shown what isn’t working anymore. Be willing to make the changes necessary to move forward.

At her best, Venus points to the wisdom of the heart. Venus asks that we be wise with our hearts. Our hearts are speaking this week. Listen carefully to what the wisdom of your heart is saying. Care for your heart and the heart of others. Be mindful of how your actions affect others. Our actions seed our fate. What fate are you choosing? This week, you may be shown a new way of approaching love, money, and all things ruled by Venus. You may be inspired to change direction. A shift in perspective may be needed. As you stand in the doorway, ask yourself: what would my Soul do? Stand in your inner wisdom, listen and act accordingly.

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Ana Pineda