The Current State of Things
The Current State of Things with Ana Maria
The first time I heard about this subject was on the day when Saturn (planet of what is real, true and long lasting) and Venus (planet of love and relationships) met in conjunction in Pisces. For those of us that read the sky for signs, when a sign is shown to us, we must pay attention. On that day, I read an article on the NYTimes about a 28-year-old woman in love with ChatGPT. The article explained how she speaks for hours on end with her AI boyfriend and even have sex. On that same day, a TED Talk on “Can AI companions heal loneliness?” also showed on my video feed. A conjunction between two planets is the seed of a new beginning. There is a new, collective beginning on the ways we see and experience love.
On Valentine’s Day, the planet of communications, technology, computers and interactions with others, Mercury entered the sign of Pisces. Mercury enters Pisces and will stay in the sign until March 3rd, 2025. By whole sign, Mercury now joins Saturn, Neptune and the North Node in Pisces. Further emphasizing the Pisces energies in our lives.
Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is the sign of Venus’ exaltation. Pisces is a Mutable Water signs which means it is flexible and flowy like water. Pisces is romantic, enchanting, musical, dreamy and inspiring. Yet, it can also be the lure of a mermaid in the deep, dark sea. You may hear her song and see her beauty, and even fall in love with what you imagine to be there at a distance but as you get closer and see the truth of the illusionary image, you notice the mermaid is a monster. Pisces is foggy, cloudy, and represents the intoxicating fumes of hormones in our brain at the initial stages of love. We see the world with pink colored glasses. We believe that pigs can fly.
Jupiter, the ruler of the sign of Pisces, has just gone direct and is currently in the sign Gemini. Gemini represents dating apps, internet, social media apps and small pieces of information coming at us from all directions. The skies are mirroring the many ways we are getting lost in a sea of messaging, apps, social media and information. Jupiter and Mercury are in a mutual reception, which means that both planets are working together. In Jupiter, we dream big and search for new horizons, in Mercury we find short cuts to those dreams and horizons. Pisces wants to get lost in a new dream. It’s opposite sign, Virgo, teaches us the practice of discernment, analysis and being present with the reality of things. Yet, the energetic pull right now maybe the pull away from our current state of reality and fall into a world of illusion where dreams are being sold to us by social media and the internet.
When I saw the Saturn and Venus conjunction and read the NYtimes article. I heard from the Angels that more people will do this and that AI and robot companions will become a norm in the future.
Human relationships began to change when the internet and social media arrived. There has been an increase in loneliness and disconnection. There is a lack of acceptance of people’s differences in opinion. There is more division over how we think and feel about things. Not enough real dialogue.
Venus will be going retrograde in the signs of Aries and Pisces. We have an opportunity from now until the end of May to check in with the current state of our relationships. How much of it is fantasy? How much of it reality? This last Full Moon that we had in the signs of Aquarius/Leo, invites us to look into our hearts for answers. What truly fulfills you? What truly makes you happy? What gives you peace? Saturn and North Node in Pisces are asking us to redefine the ways we become one with others. Our connections not only to people but to life itself. Pisces is the calling for connection, the need to merge with another. Yes, it is a need. We need each other. We need connections. We need love to survive. And although human relationships are extremely difficult, the promise of a fantasy world is not the answer either. Saturn teaches us that if we work hard, we will be compensated. Relationships that last require personal inner work as well as work on the relationship itself. Love is not easy and its not meant to be. Saturn and the North Node are in the sign of Venus’ exaltation, and they are asking us to learn to love again. Believe in Love. Embrace your longing for connection. We are asked to explore the ways we connect to others and the world around us. We are encouraged to find genuine and true ways of making Love work. Love is always possible.
If an AI companion is the solution for you, then embrace it and be happy. And if it helps alleviate the world wide loneliness crisis, then great. I am no one to judge you or anyone, nor do I. However, I ask you to please keep an open mind and heart for humanity. Give humans a chance to show you that there is kindness and goodness in us. Don’t give up on your humanity nor on ours.
Mercury in Pisces is preparing us for the annual return of the Sun to Pisces on February 18, 2025 at 05:07 AM EST and the upcoming New Moon in Pisces on February 27, 2025, 7:44 PM EST. In February we will have a stellium in the sign of Pisces. The Universe its highlighting this sign for us this month. Notice where in your chart Pisces shows up as well as its counterpart, Virgo. The Pisces super massive stellium will be felt most by the Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Notice what the spiritual lessons and themes are in your life and how they are showing up in your relationships, connections and life overall.
This month is a powerful time to practice the energy of Virgo. This will help us balance all the Piscean energy. Learning to be practical about things. Being logical and understanding. Looking at things from various perspectives. Keeping it real. Practicing discernment in all areas of life. Discerning truth from lies. Discerning illusions from what is real and tangible. Virgo is the sign of Mercury’s exaltation, the place where the mind works best. The mind works best when grounded in reality. This month, check in with your current reality. Where in your life are you escaping? Hiding? What is fantasy and what is real? What dreams can actually manifest? And which dreams are just pipe dreams? What are you really willing to do to make your life different?
This year, the energy in our lives is shifting, as five planets are changing signs. The Universe is inviting us to transform our lives. We are invited to face the areas of our lives that are not working and have the courage and wisdom to make the necessary changes. The skies are helping us by pointing out what we forget to see. The skies mirror our own energy so we may learn and grow and truly become the real possibility that resides within us. Life is a gift. We have free will to do whatever we want with this gift. You have the opportunity every day to make your life the best life you can make. The skies are helping us. Let’s help our own selves.
Thank you for your support. Please follow me for more @anamariapinedacom and Expect another blog next week.