Venus Saturn Conjunction 2025
I saw a picture today of Mount Fuji. The glorious mountain surrounded by cherry blossoms at a distance. It took my breath away and I had to pause for a moment and take it deep into my heart. There is such beauty in life. How often we miss it by reminiscing about the past or worrying about the future. When we stand in the now moment, the beauty of life is accessible. Moments of awe are liberating; they remind us of what truly matters in the end.
I thought of ants on the ground, how all they know is the area they walk every day, and yet there is such a vast, endless Universe in the sky above them, that they may never get to know about. And here we are…humans…with the capacity to look deep into the sky and deep into the Earth. And we choose at times to waste this moment in time with worries and memories of things long gone…Venus and Saturn are coming to help us this weekend. So we may experience more (Venus) beauty, harmony, love and peace in our reality (Saturn).
On Saturday, January 18th, 2025, Venus and Saturn will conjunct in the sign of Pisces for the second time. The first time occurred back in March 2024. Notice what spiritual lessons and life themes where active in your life then as they may be reactivated at this time. The second conjunction is occurring this weekend. The third and last conjunction (for this 29-year period) is occurring in April 2025. If you have any placements in the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) you will be feeling these frequencies.
Saturn meeting with Venus in Pisces is closing a 29-year cycle. The last time we had a Saturn-Venus conjunction in the sign of Pisces was back in February 1994, April 1995 and February 1996. Life is cyclical much like the seasons on Earth. Notice what was going on in your life then. If you were born during those months or years, this conjunction will play an important role in the unfolding of Saturn-Venus karmic patterns in your life.
Conjunctions are new beginnings. They open new doors and signal a time to write new chapters in our lives. But right before they occur, they close a chapter or door behind us. Notice what doors you are closing in your life. Notice what new chapters you are ready to write.
Venus rules love, values, art, beauty, balance, money and harmony. Some questions to ponder at this time:
What keeps you from feeling in harmony with yourself and your life?
How can you experience more beauty and balance in your life?
How is love showing up in your life? Self-love and love of others?
What is the current state of your financial life (money, income, investments, etc.)?
What is out of balance within me or in my life? And how can I bring myself and my life to balance?
Venus is exalted in Pisces, so her energy is strong and accessible. As Venus conjuncts with Saturn, we have an opportunity to create a new reality (Saturn) for ourselves. We can build (Saturn) solid structures in our lives that can last the test of time (Saturn). Saturn helps us question our lives. Saturn helps us face reality: the good, the bad and the ugly, so that we may change. This Saturn-Venus conjunction is an opportunity to course correct. It is an opportunity to dream a new dream for your life.
For me, the picture of Mount Fiji this morning, represents an opportunity to dream again. To dream beyond the confines of my comfort zones and everyday life routines and dare to step into the unknown…to close my eyes as I take the hands of the Universe and walk into new and exciting frontiers and dare to be an explorer of life! Life is an adventure. And we get to write a new chapter every day. What will you write next? Time to write!
Thank you for your support. Expect another blog early next week. Follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom