Fires and Mars 2025

“And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.” -Genesis 1:14, Bible.

Astrology teaches us to pay attention to the signs.

The signs are currently pointing to Mars.

These last of couple of days I have been asking the Universe, why the fires in LA? Where is that showing up in the sky and in astrology? What are the spiritual lessons behind this? I don’t have a reliable birth chart for the city of L.A. so its hard to analyze those questions using that methodology. However, we can notice the current state of Mars, the planet that rules fire, in the sky. Mars is currently retrograde (which means its closer to Earth) and is out of bounds. In astrology, a planet is out of bounds when it is north or south of the equator and its declination is greater than the obliquity of the ecliptic. When a planet is out of bounds it is no longer under the dominion of the Sun and therefore feels free to do whatever it wants. It can express with out limitations or restrictions. It sort of rebels and goes its own way.
In addition, Mars has been opposing both the Sun and Pluto. Further magnifying the energies of Mars in our experience. We have been feeling the opposition more intensely since January 4th when Earth reached perihelion (it’s closest point to the Sun in it’s orbit). Both the Sun and Mars have been closer to Earth in orbit and we certainly have been feeling the intense experience of more fire and all things Mars (also rules war) here on Earth.

During the opposition, Earth is placed directly between the Sun and Mars. Mars is bright and visible in the sky and recently went through a lunar occultation and on top of that Mars has been out of bounds as previously mentioned. So the energies of Mars have been magnified in our experience. Fire, burning, violence and war have been experienced more forcefully at a collective level.

Mars went retrograde in early December 2024 and will continue its retrograde motion until late February 2025. Notice your life and how these energies have been showing up for you. Retrogrades ask us to look within for answers and review the current state of what the planet in retrograde rules in our lives. Mars rules action, assertion, force, passion, drive, fire and war.

Mars is what motivates us to take action, what energizes us, what drives us and pushes us to get what we want. While Mars is retrograde we can reassess what we want and how we go about getting it. We can take time to reignite our passions and review our use of force/action and passion in our lives. We can pause and refuel. Take time to review our actions and what these are really doing in our lives.  

Mars in Cancer is also teaching us about our emotions and how we use them. How we transmute frustration, anger, resentment but more importantly how we come to take responsibility for our own emotions and energetic responses to the world around us. For example, we may blame others for how we feel by saying things like “you make me feel sad,” but the truth is no one can make us feel anything. We choose our feelings and our reactions. The action someone takes is their responsibility, our responsibility is how we respond to their action. While Mars is in Cancer we have a powerful opportunity to learn that we have power in our choices, that our emotions don’t control us, we control our emotions. We have the power to choose how we feel.

Mars rules fire. Notice the current state of fire in the outer world and in your inner world. The intense closeness of Mars to Earth in orbit as well as Mars out of bounds serve as symbols in the sky of fires here on Earth. Fire is teaching us. We need to pay attention. Pray for those affected by fires right now. As we move away from the opposition between Mars and the Sun as well as they move away from their closeness to Earth, we will see a calming down of the fires in LA.

Cancer represents home and family. At a collective level, Mars in Cancer is asking us to review our actions on our larger home – Earth. We are asked to consider how our actions are affecting our families and our collective family. The fires in L.A. are a collective wake-up call to humanity on how climate change is shifting our world. Cancer teaches us about safety. Mars in Cancer right now is showing us that safety is an illusion. We are not safe as climate change gets more real every day…We are being asked collectively to be responsible for how we care for Earth and each other. Mars and the Sun have been bring up the heat so we pay attention. Astrology teaches us to pay attention to the signs that the Universe gives us to course correct. We are getting clear signs right now. Perhaps its time to pay attention and course correct our impact on climate change.

On an individual level, notice where Mars in Cancer is in your Natal chart as this is the area that requires your attention right now. Cancer rules the home and family. Notice the state of both. Cancer rules emotions and intuition. Notice how balanced your emotions are and use of intuition is at this time. Notice what your gut feelings are on things and listen. Mars retrograde is giving us time to rest and at the same time plan ahead. This is a time to plan what your next moves are. Feel into your knowing (Cancer). Get deep into your intuition. Spend time inside your shell or cocoon. Meditate. Journal. Get your mind and heart clear. Trust yourself and the guidance that the Universe is constantly providing you with. Go within and learn to listen. The time to make course corrections is coming, you will be guided as to when to take your next steps.

Mars will turn direct in Cancer on February 23, 2025 and will remain in Cancer until until April 18th. We have time to listen to our intuition, get clear on our emotions and trust our inner knowing, so that inspired action can lead us forward. Remember, it’s ok not to know yet…but once you know, once your inner wisdom speaks…go for it!

Expect another blog over the weekend. Thank you for your support. Follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom

Ana Pineda