Venus square Uranus

Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.
Daily Astrology
Mar  3, 2024, 8:17 AM EST
Venus 19 Aquarius 40 square  Uranus 19 Taurus 40

Underneath the surface of the things we no longer want but are too afraid to change, an earthquake is occurring. The thunderstorms and thunderbolts of Uranus are pushing against the stubborn hold of Taurus to get us to move ahead. Venus in Aquarius is asking us to free our hearts, to befriend ourselves, and to liberate the truth that resides deep at the core of our being. We are being asked to be authentic with ourselves. Time to get real!

The square between Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus invites us to step out of our comfort zone in areas of love and money. The areas of our lives that lack stability, reliability, and dependability are being highlighted so we may make the necessary changes. Venus in Aquarius is seeking freedom. Free your heart. Free your mind. Freedom from all the things that hold her back including your own self. Freedom to follow your path and to pave the way into a new future for yourself. This week, get clear on your vision. What is your vision for your life? Do you know where you are going? Do you know what you really want? If it is not clear to you, then this is your opportunity to get clear. Find clarity within. Take a walk and be with yourself. Your heart knows the way, let it guide you.

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Ana Pineda