Mercury Cazimi 2024

Mercury Cazimi

On February 28th we have a powerful Cazimi. Saturn, the planet of reality and Karma, along with Mercury, the planet of the mind, communications, and commerce meet at the Heart of the Sun. Both planets are invisible to the naked eye when they enter the Palace of the Sun. Invisibility means that we are being asked to go inward, to reflect, to meditate, to realign with our core Self. The rays of Light of the Divine will illuminate the energies of both planets infusing them with clarity, direction, and insights.

Saturn is asked to create new structures in our lives that are based on our Soul’s truth and purpose.  What no longer serves us will be pointed out to us. Mercury enters deep into the Heart of the Sun. During a Mercury Cazimi, the Light of the Divine enters the mind infusing our thoughts, words, and actions with Divine Guidance. Mercury is in the sign of Pisces where we are being asked to surrender ego. We are being asked to be still and listen. In the deep ocean of Pisces, we can merge with the Divine, recognize our Soul, and expand our consciousness to be a greater version of ourselves.

 Mercury and Saturn are infused with new insights from the Divine. Our minds and our reality are being transformed. We are being led. Can we trust that? Even went it doesn’t seem like we are being heard, can we trust that we are not forgotten by the Divine? Can we see the path when we are in the dark? Trust. Follow the signs. The signs will teach you,

Saturn, Mercury, and the Sun are in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. It describes when the Soul has traveled through the karmic wheel of life has learned the lessons and is ready to merge back into the ocean of consciousness to share its lessons. In the sign of Pisces, we have an opportunity to share what we have learned, surrender, let go, and merge with something greater than ourselves. Pisces is the cosmic ocean…it is expansive, nebulous, reflective, intangible, and unknown territory. It asks that we surrender, and let go of control and trust. Both Saturn and Mercury are being asked to dissolve into the vastness of Pisces. Saturn and Mercury are infused with intuition, compassion, empathy, psychic awareness, and deep healing.

Saturn the planet of what is real and concrete, in Pisces, is asking us to dissolve the walls that we have created within ourselves….to surrender our ego and our fear and the ways we keep our heart locked in…to surrender the ways we hold our Soul’s back, the ways we lie to ourselves, the ways we hide our truth and our deep desires …the walls and structures in our lives that no longer serve us will fall, and new structures and forms will manifest that is in alignment with our Soul’s truth and the greater plan of our lives.  

Take the time to meditate or walk in nature this week. Take the time to quiet the mind and listen to your own heart. Notice how you feel about your life. How satisfied are you with what you have created? What is not working? What is working? How are you feeling? Are you happy? Rested? Relaxed? If you are not. It’s time to do something about it.

Listen to your own wisdom and take small steps to realign your life with what is true for you. Trust that you know what is best for you. Trust that you are wise and good. The Divine is not some guy on a cloud somewhere. It is the wisdom within your own heart. It is the still, small voice within you that knows right from wrong.  Your intuition. Your knowing. Your Light.

It is said that the Light of the Divine lives within the heart of everyone in creation. What if that were true? What if the spark of the Divine lived within you? Saturn and Mercury working together will help us radiate the Light within our being onto the world around us. The Light within will illuminate the path ahead and we will be guided…you are always guided…you never walk alone. You are a Sacred drop on a vast, ocean of Love. May you remember who you are, and may you be that onto the world.

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Ana Pineda