Water Grand Trine!
I barely slept yesterday and found myself being very emotional and sensitive this morning. I needed to get more sleep, but that wasn’t an option (on top of that, I don’t naturally ‘sleep-in’ or nap). So, I had to carry on and then I thought of the upcoming Grand Water Trine, and the spiritual lessons it offers…
Imagine the ocean in early morning…the calm surface of the water, the quiet and peace that surrounds you…notice how easy it is to breathe and just be…this is the silent power of the Water element.
Water teaches us about energy. Water teaches us about how we use, express and relate to energy. Essentially, how we interact and connect with the ocean of consciousness that surrounds us and flows through us. Water teaches us about our emotions and feelings, and those of others around us.
The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are sensitive, vulnerable, intuitive, private, empathic, tender-hearted, receptive, nurturing and deeply emotional. In the water element, we learn to master our emotions and our deepest vulnerabilities and sensitivities. Notice your placements in the water signs as they are activated from now until next Wednesday.
The water grand trine occurs between Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. A trine is a harmonious, easy flow of communication and interaction between two planets. A grand trine occurs when three planets connect in a particular element. A grand trine is a big deal because it makes it very easy for all three planets to get things done smoothly. It is a very, supportive and easy flowing energy. It shows all three planets working together toward a common goal or cause. The energy is moving forward in a positive momentum. Things that were stuck, can get unstuck. Blocks and obstacles can be removed. Challenges can be turned into possibilities and new opportunities may show up in our lives.
Notice how the current Water Grand Trine shows up in your Astrological chart. Notice your placements in Water and Earth elements. This transit provides a great opportunity to work on the areas highlighted in your Natal Chart as the planets in water signs will make things easier and more smooth for the next couple of days.
If you don’t know your placements, no worries :)
Think about the spiritual lessons of Water. Water teaches us to mother, nurture and care for ourselves and others because water sustains all life on Earth. Water teaches us to balance our emotions and feelings. Water teaches us to trust our intuition and our gut knowing. Water also teaches us to go with the flow, to accept the things we cannot change, to surrender, let go and trust in the Divine. Water teaches us about healing. For example, by crying we cleanse our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical body. Water restores and heals. Notice where there is a need for water in your life. Notice what needs watering. Notice the state of your emotions and feelings, Notice what needs love, care and nurturing. Notice what needs your attention.
As for me, the spiritual teaching this morning was about practicing more self-care by making sleep a priority. Notice what spiritual lessons show up for you from now until Wednesday of next week. The Water Grand Trine is helping us restore our inner waters. Cleanse. Purify. Heal. Balance. Flow with greater ease with the currents of life, much like when we sit on the sand in front of the morning ocean….noticing the calming waves…letting ourselves just be…letting others just be…breathing and being…breath and just be…
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