Week Ahead Astrology Part One
Weekly Astrology Forecast
On Monday, January 27, 2025, Mercury (the Messenger of God in Astrology) heralds the upcoming New Moon as it enters the sign of Aquarius. Mercury rules the mind, communications, travel, movement and commerce. Mercury in Aquarius will benefit all Air Signs placements (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and post opportunities of growth and maturation for the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).
About Aquarius
The sign of Aquarius is Fixed Air. The air element teaches us about the objective and rational mind. Air represents our cognitive functions: thoughts, words, thinking, speaking, movement, etc. Fixed Air can be brilliant as it can invite us to step out of comfortable thinking and explore new perspectives and ideas. We can expand our mind into places we have not been before. Yet, Fixed Air can be rigid and stubborn. We can become rigid in our thinking and feel that our version of the truth is the only right one. We can become close-minded and prefer to hang out only with like minded individuals. However, Saturn, the Traditional Ruler of Aquarius, is in the sign of Pisces. During Saturn in Pisces ( a sign of inclusion and coherence), we are being taught to connect to others through compassion, understanding and oneness.
Mercury in Aquarius Teachings from a Personal Perspective
Notice where in your life you are set in your ways. Where in your life you find it hard to yield or explore other points of view. How are your beliefs, ideas and mental concepts affecting your relationships and your interaction with the world? Are you too much in your head? Are you too much in your heart? Can you find the balance between both?
This is a powerful time to question our thoughts and ideas about the world. Are they out of date? Are your thoughts and ideas of the world in alignment with your deepest truth? Are your mind and heart on the same page? How is your Soul (True Self) showing up in your life? In you relationships? In your work? Saturn in Pisces is asking us to make space in our daily lives for our Soul.
One way to explore how your Soul (your inner knowing) is showing up in your life is to notice: Whose voice is in your head? Your mom? Your dad? Your family? Your children? Society? Your ego? Or your heart? There is no right or wrong answer. There is just an answer. What is your answer? A different “inner voice” may show up for different areas in your life. Ask yourself: Whose voice is showing up in my life predominantly? Get to know and explore your answer. Explore why and then decide if that works for you or not. Get to know the voice of your Soul: Your Real and True Voice.
Nowadays, we can get overwhelmed with the amount of information out there on various subjects that pertain to our lives, so much so, that we may lose track of our own inner wisdom, intuition and innate knowing of what is true and right for us. Explore what is right for you. Listen to the deeper, wiser…You. Silence is the key to Truth. In silence, Truth naturally emerges. The Soul is always guided to Truth…look for it and it will find you.
Aquarius Teachings from a Global Perspective
Aquarius invites us to step into new ways of thinking and perceiving the world. We are invited to use our rational mind for the benefit of ourselves and the world. As mentioned earlier, traditionally, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is currently in Pisces and will change signs in late May this year. Saturn rules boundaries, limitations, borders and in the sign of Pisces, known as the dissolvent of the Zodiac, we have seen the dissolving of boundaries and borders between countries either through war or increased migrations.
Mercury is also the planet of brothers and sisters, as it enters the sign of Aquarius, often called the sign of the people. We are asked to extend our definition of brother and sister to include our neighbors, society and the world. Saturn in Pisces as the ruler of Mercury in Aquarius right now is teaching us about friendship, inclusion, tolerance and connection. Can we befriend each other once and for all? Probably not. I don’t mean to be pessimistic, but I’m a realist. It may not happen in our lifetime, but at an individual level we can do our part to be better human beings. We can be more inclusive and tolerant of each other’s differences. We can embrace our humanity and the beauty of diversity and uniqueness of the human spirit. We can strive for deeper, more meaningful relationships with one another. There is an innate need within us for connection. We can innately sense our oneness. With Saturn in Pisces, we can dissolve the boundaries and connect more deeply with one another.
Perhaps, a great spiritual quality to develop at this time is tolerance. Practice being tolerant of other people’s points of view and even befriending more people who think differently than you. Try it. Keep an open mind and learn empathetic listening. Mercury in Aquarius is teaching us to think outside the box and explore new ways of connecting to others, and let go of our own mental rigidness. The quote that best summarizes the teachings of what Mercury in Aquarius is coming to teach us comes from Martin Luther King:
“Through our scientific and technological genius, we've made of this world a neighborhood. And now through our moral and ethical commitment, we must make of it a brotherhood. We must all learn to live together as brothers—or we will all perish together as fools.”
What will it be? Our choices manifest our destiny and fate.
Stay tuned for part two tomorrow! Follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom