Week Ahead Forecast
Your Weekly Astrology Forecast is Here :)
The Moon enters the sign of Aquarius on Tuesday and slowly builds momentum toward the New Moon on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 7:36 AM EST. The New Moon energies will be most active from now until the next lunation on February 27th and will continue to impact your life in the Fixed Sign placements (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) in your Natal Chart for the next 6 months. Notice what placements you have in Fixed Signs and Air Signs in your Natal Chart as these areas of your life will be activated for the next 6 months.
A New Moon Phase is an opportunity to plant new seeds in your life. During the New Moon Phase there is an urge for something new, a calling for a new beginning, a wanting to change directions. However, during this Lunar Phase we are walking in the dark, as the Light of the Moon has yet to reveal the path ahead.
During this time not all information is available to us and we may lack answers. Our instinct and intuition are heightened. As the Light of the Moon increases more information, resources and clarity will arrive. In the meantime, notice the initial urge within you to move forward in some area of your life. Set an intention. Create a vision board. Have a plan.
On Thursday, Uranus moves direct. Uranus has been retrograde in Taurus since September 1, 2024, and on January 30, 2025 finally moves direct. Notice what themes and spiritual lessons have been active in your life since Fall 2024. Uranus entered the sign of Taurus on May 15, 2018 and will stay in the sign until April 27, 2026, with a brief period in Gemini from July 2025 to November 2025. If you have planets in Taurus or Scorpio you are definitely feeling these frequencies. Also, notice any placements in Fixed Signs as these signs will be activated by the movement forward of Uranus this week.
Uranus is the Great Liberator and Awakener. Uranus is the urge for freedom, independence and change. Uranus is the planet of thunder and lighting. Uranus breaks through the mold of the old, worn-out aspects of our lives that no longer serve us and sets us free. Usually through unpredictable, radical, sudden change. Uranus is the first planet outside the bounds of Saturn, it breaks the rules and disrupts the status quo. Unexpected awareness, inspiration and insights arrive into our minds like lighting when Uranus is active in our lives. We are awakened to a new desire, path or dream. It is the urge you can’t ignore. It is a flame that won’t die down.
Uranus will change signs on April 2026 but for now it is in the sign of Taurus. Uranus is shaking the ground underneath all Fixed placements in our charts. It is asking us to set ourselves free of old patterns of thinking and behaving that no longer serve us. It is asking us to free our minds and hearts and be true to ourselves. Are you being true to you? Uranus is asking you to notice what in your life no longer serves you and is no longer aligned with your true desires and needs. Uranus ultimately awakens our hearts and minds to the Truth. See the Truth. Accept the Truth and decide what to do from there.
The latter part of the week provides new opportunities and resources to help us move forward. New people, places and things may enter your life this week. So pay attention to who or what shows up in your life and what lessons they are activating. On Thursday, the Sun meets with the planet of abundance, expansion and growth, Jupiter. It is a favorable day because the Sun will trine Jupiter. Blessings may come in unexpected ways this week. Take advantage of the lucky break and remember the Latin proverb "audentes fortuna iuvat”, fortune favors the brave!
Expect your weekend forecast later in the week! Come visit again and follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom