Your Week Ahead Astrology Part 2


On January 9th the Moon in Taurus trines the Sun in Capricorn, and we are encouraged to be productive. The Moon in Taurus is exalted and teaches us to nurture that which we love and care for. The Sun in Capricorn illuminates our goals and dreams. We are being prepared for the energetic chapters unfolding in our lives in the next months to come.

On January 11th, 2025, the Lunar Nodes shift to the Virgo/Pisces axis. This is a big deal.  The Nodes of Fate and Destiny change signs every 18 months. About every 19 years, the Nodes of Fate return to the exact position they were when you were born. The Nodes of Fate are also significant because they are points in the sky where eclipses occur. Thus, the Nodal change signals incoming eclipses in Mutable Signs. Usually, big changes and life-altering events occur in our lives when eclipses activate in our Astrological Charts.

The Nodes of Fate will be on the Virgo/Pisces axis from January 11th, 2025 to July 26th, 2026. The Nodal Axis change will impact all Mutable Sign placements in your chart. Notice what placements you have in the Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. As the change occurs this week notice any clarity and new insights that arise within you, as the Nodes of Fate are doorways through which people, places, things and situations are destined to come in and out of our lives. Notice what doors are naturally closing and which are opening. Notice changes in direction and shifts in consciousness.

The North Node will change from Aries to Pisces, from Fire to Water. The North Node in Pisces will meet with Saturn in Pisces. Big deal as both Saturn and the North Node points us to the kind of life story we are writing for ourselves.  

About Pisces

Pisces encourages us to imagine and dream a better lives for ourselves. Pisces is the ocean of consciousness that surrounds all things. Pisces teaches us to have faith, to be compassionate, empathetic, humble and sensitive. Pisces encourages us to be intuitive and psychic. We are highly impressionable and gullible under the Pisces influence. With Saturn in Pisces, we are taught to find grounding within the dreamy, nebulous energies of Pisces. Pisces is the beautiful mermaid or handsome merman calling us deep into the oceans of mystical love and ardent lust.  We can get lost in the fog of illusion. Pisces is the gently fog that spreads on top of lakes in early morning. There is a haunting, unexplainable beauty to Pisces energy.

About the North Node and Saturn in Pisces

The North Node points us to our destiny and life purpose. The North Node in Pisces asks us to become Visionaries and dream big dreams, and step away of over thinking, analyzing and scrutinizing every little detail in our lives (South Node in Virgo). We are asked to use our imagination (Pisces) more and less of our overly critical and logical mind (Virgo). We are asked to have a vision of our lives that mixes dreams (Pisces) with reality (Saturn).

The North Node in Pisces asks us to re-connect to our Soul, to the essence of our spirit. The North Node in Pisces is asking us, collectively, to be more compassionate, empathetic and caring with the world around us. We are asked to see the oneness in one another and to extend our hands in assistance of others. We are asked to see the world through the eyes of the infinite. We are asked to see our lives through the eyes of our Soul and the Divine. We are asked to become our Souls on Earth. How would your life looked like if you really listen to your Soul?

Both the North Node and Saturn in Pisces emphasize the importance of listening to our Soul. We are also asked to recognize the oneness that connects all beings with one another and in that oneness learn to get along with our human family. There is an emphasize on expressing the qualities of our soul, such as goodness and kindness, which we innately know to be so. We know innately what it means to do good. And we are asked to do good in the world around us.

Saturn is a Teacher. Saturn teaches us about karma, time, discipline, responsibility and the value of hard work. Karma means action. What actions are you taking? And what are the consequences of your actions? Are your actions reflecting Who You Really Are at the core of your being?

Saturn is asking us to build. We are building something new in the Pisces area of our charts. With the North Node in Pisces, we are asked to think about our future and the bigger picture of our lives. What vision do you have for your life? What do you want to do with the time you have left on Earth? What’s holding you back from living that life now? Those questions and more will be answered within us as Saturn and the North Node in Pisces awaken the answers within our hearts and minds. Pay close attention and listen. The sky is speaking to us.

Thank you for your support. Please follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom

Ana Pineda