Your Week Ahead Astrology Part One
Your Weekly Astrology
Mars, the planet of action, passion and war, retrogrades on Monday January 6th into the sign of Cancer. The current Mars retrograde began in the sign of Leo on December 6, 2024. The Mars Retrograde, which occurs ever two years or so, ends on February 23, 2025. Mars will continue in the sign of Cancer until April 18th. The current shift in Mars energy will be felt most by the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).
Mars in Cancer encourages us to face our emotions with courage. The word courage comes from the root word, “cour” which means heart. Thus, to be courageous means to stand in the full strength, wisdom and power of our heart. During the Mars in Cancer period, we are invited to enter our hearts and face our emotions with wisdom. Mars is a planet of war and we will be awaken to the ways we are at war within our own selves and with the world around us. We may notice irritation, frustration and anger come up in regard to matters of the heart as well as of the hearth (the home and family, which Cancer also rules). Mars is also impulsive and willful, so we may notice the ways that the ego shows up in our interactions with others and the environment around us.
Mars Retrograde is asking us to “feel” (Cancer) before we “act” (Mars). Mars is asking us to listen to our gut (which is also ruled by Cancer) and trust our intuition before we take any action. Mars is teaching “Right Action”. Action that is in alignment with our innermost wisdom. The kind of action that stems from your Soul and Higher Self. We have an opportunity during this Mars Retrograde period, to sharpen our emotional intelligence and our ability to respond to the world around us. The energies of the Mars Retrograde will be in our experience until late April this year, so take advantage of the opportunities the Universe is offering to us for spiritual growth and self-improvement.
On January 8th, Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn. It will be the first time since 2008 that we will experience Mercury in Capricorn without the background influence of Pluto in Capricorn. Notice new thoughts, ideas, insights and dreams that may come up during this period. Mercury the Messenger of God is restoring mental equanimity in the Capricorn sectors of our charts. Mercury in Capricorn is focused on the attainment of its goals and dreams. Mercury in Capricorn is about getting things done and being the boss of your life. The concepts of “time is money” and “there is no time to waste” are resonant with this energy. Get organized, write things down and get focused. Mercury in Capricorn is a great time to think about long term goals and plans.
Mercury in this placement is beneficial for all Cardinal, Earth and Water Signs. Notice what placements you have in those signs as these will be activated from now until February 10th, 2025.
With both Mars (Action) and Mercury (Thoughts, Words, Communication) in Cardinal signs this week, the Universe is asking us to connect to our Cardinal Energies (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn). The Cardinal signs are the pillars of the astrological chart. They are the signs that herald the beginning of each season. They are pivotal to moving energy ahead. They initiate action and make new beginnings happen. What changes are you ready to intiate in your life?
Cardinal signs are the leaders of the Zodiac. It’s time to become a leader somewhere in your life. It’s time to sharpen our leadership skills. Wherever you have these signs in your Astrological chart, you are being asked to take the wheel and define your next step and destination. What will you do next? But keep in mind that while Mars is retrograde, actions can be slower, methodical and mindful. Take the wheel. Drive slowly and carefully. Be mindful. Enjoy the scenery. Stay present and keep the end goal in mind. But above all…enjoy the journey! We have a powerful year ahead of us!
Expect another blog later this week. Thank you for reading and please share with others. Follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom