Your Week Ahead Forecast
The week begins with a Full Moon in Cancer. The Full Moon in Cancer influences all Water sign placements (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) in your Natal Chart as well as your Cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). Think back to the seeds you planted in your life back when the New Moon was last in the sign of Cancer.
Cancer teaches us about the management of our emotional life as well as that of our home and family. Notice the state of your emotions and of your home and family. What’s out of balance and how can you balance it? Something in your emotional life may have shifted over the last couple of days or since the last New Moon in Cancer about 6 months ago. Full Moons signal endings and culmination periods in our lives. Full Moons bring forth Light into areas of our lives where we may have felt lost, confused or out of place. Full Moon illuminates our consciousness and bring forth clarity. Something gets revealed or clarity is received about a matter in our lives.
Cancer teaches us about our emotional needs. What needs are not being met? What needs nurturing and care right now? The Cancer Full Moon is asking us to nurture and care for one another. We are asked to care, support and nurture ourselves and pay attention to our hearts. What is the state of your heart? Notice how this Full Moon in Cancer is showing up for you in your life. It’s time to care and nurture.
Cancer is the home. What or who is home for you? What makes you feel at home? What makes you feel safe and secure? How can you nurture a deeper sense of safety and security in your life? What needs to change in order for you to truly feel safe and secure? The Full Moon in Cancer invites us to pay attention to the state of home in our lives.
The Nodes of Fate have changed signs and are now in Mutable signs, notice what placements you have in Virgo and Pisces. The Nodes of Fate are doorways and threshold keepers. Notice what is leaving your life now and what is entering it. New spiritual lessons are arriving. Change is here. Allow change and go with the flow.
On Monday and Tuesday, we may feel a rollercoaster of emotions around relationships or family concerns. There is a challenging aspect active on both day between Venus in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini. Remember, not all that glisters is gold. Make sure you are seeing things for what they are and not what you want them or wish for them to be. Don’t close your eyes to the truth. Accept what is as it is. Know when to say no. Establish clear boundaries with yourself and others this week. Watch for overindulge (or over doing something that isn’t good for you) and make sure to rest as we may feel more overwhelmed and drained than usual. The mutable and water signs may be extra sensitive to these vibes.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the Sun opposes Mars. An opposition, argument or conflict in our lives is highlighted today. Pent up energy may come to the surface or an issue may come to a head. Don’t ignore the red flags. Don’t take other people’s energies as if they were yours. Keep healthy boundaries. Don’t take more than you can handle. Know your limits. Frustration, irritation and bursts of anger are likely today. Breath and take it easy. Don’t take other people’s behavior personally. Careful with driving and travel today. Be mindful of your words and actions. Great time to practice “The Let Them Theory” and be extra patient this week.
On Friday, the vibe relaxes as the Sun sextiles Neptune. Take a break. Pause and relax. Get ready for the weekend. Imagine more. It’s a day to think outside the box and explore new and unlimited potentials in your life. Dare to dream and hope. The Sun brings clarity to something in your life that may have been illusive or hidden. Pay attention to aha moments today and over the weekend. Great day to get away and rest. We are extra intuitive and sensitive today. Write down your dreams as we may receive insights in the later part of the week and into the weekend. Great day to reconnect to your creativity, intuition and explore a deeper connection to your Soul and God. Great day to pray for the world.
A powerful, transformational year is ahead of us and its just beginning…take the moments of pause the Universe provides and be ready for the changes to come.
Expect another blog later this week. Thank you and please share with others. Follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom