Your Weekly Astrology Forecast
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The week begins with the aftermath of a powerful Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius.
The Full Moon activated all Fixed Signs placements (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) in our Astrological charts. Notice what came up for you this and last week. The Full Moon illuminated what needs to change, be released and be transformed in our lives. Now as the Moon wanes we slowly move towards the upcoming New Moon when we will be invited to step into a new beginning, the start of a new chapter and the planting of a new seed. But first we go through the darkening of the Moon. We must go through the process of digesting the changes that occured during and after the Full Moon in Aquarius.
As Light fades from the Moon we become aware of what is losing Light, strength and power in our lives. It is a potent time to ask ourselves, what has served its purpose in our lives? What is no longer working? What has died or is dying? We are watching the leaves change from green to yellow to brown in some area in our lives. Some may be in the process of surrender, release and letting go which includes the gentle process of grieving what was and is no longer. It is in the aftermath of powerful Astrological shifts that we can acknowledge that Life is always working for us not against us. That every set back, every delay, every close door, every gate that never opened was for a reason. Look over your life and notice the lessons. Notice what you are learning about your life, about who you are and why you are here on Earth. Notice the lessons that are making you stronger and wiser.
By Thursday, the Sun enters the sign of Virgo and the energy shifts. This is a beneficial shift for all Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Virgo represents the harvest season, and it through Virgo that we learn to discriminate and differentiate the wheat from the chaff. It is in Virgo season that we begin to transition from Summer into Fall. All the mutable signs help us transition and it makes a lot of sense that the Sun would be coming into this sign after the life-altering Full Moon in Aquarius we just had. We are being helped by the Universe to transition and to move forward. Notice what is transitioning in your life. Notice how life is pushing you forward. Notice where you are being asked to use your discerning abilities.
Virgo teaches us to discern and pull the weeds out of the ground of our lives and make space for new seedlings. Virgo teaches us to analyze, organize, differentiate and correct mistakes and flaws. Virgo teaches us to pay attention and be wise in our actions. We learn to pay close attention to detail, we learn to be precise and skillful. We learn to be efficient, hard-working, humble and dutiful. We are taught to reassess. We are taught to be practical and efficient. We are taught to notice the harvest of what we have planted in our lives over the year, and discern what we want to keep and what we want to let go of.
The ruler of the Sun, Mercury, is still in Leo. Leo points us to our hearts. Mercury, the ruler of the mind, is asking us to think with our heart. We are asked to balance the wisdom of the mind with the wisdom of the heart. The heart may want something but the mind may say something else. So we are asked to find the middle ground. We are asked to walk the middle path.
We are getting to the heart of matter in all areas of our lives. Mercury helps communicate with our heart, helps us listen to the deepest core of who we are, so that we recognize the truth that lives within us. The Sun changing signs prepares us for Mercury going direct on August 28th. From now till then, it is about paying attention to what needs to be fixed, repair, redone, restarted, cleaned-up or what do we need to let go of completely. Virgo teaches to eliminate, purge, and cleanse. Its time to clean home.
Virgo season is a great time to clean home both literally and symbolically. We can enter each room of our being (our mind, our heart, our will, our shadows and our Light) and clean up. We can enter the closets, and the places we don’t like to look. We can clean up that drawer with way too many things in it. We can look at what we have and who we are with discernment and honesty. Do I really need this? Is this serving a purpose? Is it valuable? Has it served its purpose? Do I still want it? Why do I want it? Do I need it? Do I want to keep it? Is it still relevant? Why did I want it in the first place? Notice where life is asking you to clean up and purge. Virgo is a great time to reorganize your life and your lifestyle, review your routines, your health regimes and place your life back into an order that makes sense to the person that you now are. So its a great time for self-review. Is your life reflecting who you really are and what you really want?
I’ll use myself as an example. I have a large collection of high heel shoes. Shoes I used to wear prior to the pandemic that would make me feel sexy and beautiful. Now, I’ve changed. I no longer define sexiness or beauty by shoes I wear. Yes, if I feel like it, I’ll occasionally wear a pair but quite frankly I’m mainly a T-shirt and jeans kind of girl. So Virgo season is giving me a chance to let go of shoes that are no longer part of my lifestyle. I’m discerning which ones I want to keep and which ones I want to give away. I’m making space for who I am now and letting go of who I used to be. Virgo gives us an opportunity to clean-up, purge, purify and redefine our lifestyle. Notice your life and how you can apply the Virgo teachings during this season.
Use this time during the Sun’s travel through the sign of Virgo to clean up your literal and symbolic closets. Clean up. Discern and separate the wheat from the chaff. Surrender what is no longer part of who you are and who you want to be. Let go. Make space for the new. Make space for the life that is being birthed through you and by you. Manifest the things that are in alignment with your heart and who you really are. Manifest joy, peace and beauty.
Virgo season is harvest season. We have an opportunity to express gratitude for all the valuable lessons life has given us. For all the seeds that didn’t grow, for all the doors that never opened, and for all the times that the Universe had our back and we didn’t know it. Trust. Trust the life that is unfolding before you. Maybe its not the life you thought it would be by now…but maybe, if we trust the mystery of Life…Life itself will surprise us with more than we could ever imagine…
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