Full Moon in Virgo

I am an overprotective doggie mom. Today, was no exception. A dog in the neighborhood came running towards my dog without a leash. Of course,  I immediately went into “overprotective mommy mode” and asked my neighbor to please grab his dog. Then, the man began to scream to his dog, and the dog got scared. I got scared for the dog. I felt so horrible…as I went back to the building, I could hear the man still screaming angrily at the dog. I vowed that the next time I saw I would speak with him and apologize for being overprotective of my dog and encourage both dogs to be friends.

I learned a valuable lesson today. This is what fear does to us. I was scared for my dog. The man was scared for his dog and his dog got scared of him. And the chain of events began with me. This is how fear spreads. We allow ourselves to react out of fear. Instead of simply feeling fear and choosing an action from our higher awareness.

Today, the Full Moon in Virgo teaches us discernment. Mercury, the ruler of tonight’s Full Moon is in Pisces. Mercury in Pisces helps us to receive spiritual insights. Mercury in Pisces helps us to develop our empathy, compassion and humility. The Full Moon in Virgo invokes the concept of “practice makes perfect.” We are on a spiritual journey of becoming the highest version of ourselves. We can practice habits that encourage our connection with our inner wisdom. Every day is an opportunity to expand our awareness, to connect more deeply to the Divine and our Soul.

Today, I learned about fear. How fear takes us away from our hearts and our wisdom…I’m a big “Star Wars” Fan so I recalled Master Yoda’s quote today:

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering” Master Yoda, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999).

While Mercury is in Pisces we have the opportunity to deepen our connection with our spirituality. We can think (Mercury) and speak (Mercury) like our Soul (Pisces energy helps us with that). We can deepen our intuition, our compassion and our kindness. And with the power of tonight’s Virgo Full Moon we can develop new habits that support our spirituality. Habits that support our becoming our Souls on Earth. Habits that help us be the best versions of ourselves. In taking actions and creating new habits that are in alignment with who we truly, we can rise above fear, anger, hatred and suffering.

Pay attention to what is coming up for you during and after this Full Moon. What have you awakened to? What is the Universe showing you? What is life pointing to? What are the spiritual lessons being presented to you? Pay attention. Learn. Grow. Keep going.  Keep becoming.

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Ana Pineda