Mars enters Aquarius

All I can say about this week is: Full. Speed. Ahead.

Mars, the planet of energy, sex, passion, desire, and drive enters the sign of Aquarius today and will stay in the sign until March 22nd. Mars will meet with Pluto tomorrow. Huge energetic shift! The planet of Power meets the planet of Force! This is a powerful combination to bring your power back. Reclaim yourself. Reclaim your life.

Mars has traveled through most of the Zodiac and now arrives in the sign of Aquarius. We are laser-focused, determined, and concentrated on what we want, what we are creating, and where we are going. The Water Bearer pours its intellectual wisdom into the ardent passion and deep, burning desire of Mars combined with Pluto. We are a force to be reckoned with. Whatever you want this is the time to focus on it. No time to waste.

On a personal level, Mars will meet Pluto on Valentine’s Day. This combination can lead to deep passion and heightened emotions. The image that comes to mind is the way dormant fire awakens deep in the core of a volcano. Once the fire erupts, there is no stopping it. Fire will erupt. Passions and emotions run high. Whatever has been hidden, ignored, and pushed aside within us will rise to the surface. To be looked at and cleaned up.  This is a powerful spiritual opportunity for catharsis and healing. Notice any emotions that arise within you this week and make the time to practice breathwork, journaling, or use any other healthy method of release. Time to let go. Surrender. Let it burn out of you. Cry it out. Walk it out. Transmute. Transform. Hold on to healthy passions and desires.

When Pluto entered Aquarius, we entered a new era and now all the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus)have and will meet one-on-one with the planet of death, rebirth, power, and transformation. Infusing our mind (Mercury), our energy (Mars), and our heart (Venus) with Aquarian Plutonian energy. Change is here.

 Full. Speed. Ahead.

Pay attention this week. Listen to life. Go with the flow. If doors close, let them close. If doors open, enter them. The Universe is guiding you. Surrender. Trust.

It is my pleasure and honor to share Astrology with you. Please support my work by sharing it with others. Thank you. Follow me for more @anamariapinedacom

Ana Pineda