New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon occurs on Friday, February 9th, 2024, at 5:59 PM EST in the sign of Aquarius. If you have any planets or points in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) you will feel this.

A New Moon heralds a doorway to a new beginning. We are asked to step into the unknown with trust and faith in ourselves and the Divine Order of the Universe. This New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus is bringing lightning bolts of change to the strongly held areas of our lives that no longer serve us. Taurus teaches us about what we value, how to value ourselves, and how to care for Earth. Taurus represents the tangible material things that we value, as well as the people in our lives that we value. Uranus has been asking us to break through old molds of thought patterns and behaviors that cause our relationships to be stagnant and stuck. Uranus’ thunder reaches deep into the core of what value, what we treasure, and what treasures us. Uranus brings light into our mind so we may see, and be liberated from illusions or visions of our lives that no longer serve us. Uranus is a bringer of Truth. We wake up and the Truth sets us free. We are gifted Freedom. Freedom is one of the teachings of this New Moon. We are being set free. What will you do with that freedom?

In traditional Astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is currently in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is teaching us to surrender our boundaries. The image that comes to mind is the way that ocean waves hit rocks at the edges of mountains…have you ever seen that? Water is a very, powerful and yet gentle force. It changes things gradually….A wave pushing against a stone will eventually soften the stone. Our edges are being softened. Our walls are crumbling and our borders at a world scale will be redefined. It is interesting to note, that when we observe Earth from space, there are no borders. Saturn in Pisces is asking us to redefine our personal and collective boundaries.  

Collectively, the square to Uranus is also asking us to observe our concepts of value and worth.  What do we value more? Money? Or People? Our own personal desires and needs? Or the greater good of the whole world? Aquarius is the sign of the people and collective consciousness. It is about social pursuits, group activities, brotherhood and sisterhood, and humanitarian efforts. This month, a Stellium (a configuration of several planets in the same sign) will occur in Aquarius. We are being taught about Aquarian energy. How can we integrate these powerful new energies of Aquarius into our lives? One way, I find helpful is to focus on friendship.

Aquarius teaches us about the meaning of friendship. What does it mean to be a friend? How can I be a better friend to myself and others around me? How can we be a friend to the world?  One of the most important things we can do at this time to help the world is to be a good friend. We can begin by developing the qualities of a good friend. Then expressing these qualities in our relationships with others.

We often tend to focus only on our own needs, our loneliness, and our desire for love and things. But what if we changed our perception? What if we began to give what we are asking to receive? What if we give friendship when we feel lonely? What if we give kindness when the world is unfair and unkind to us? What if we gave to others what we need? How would your perception of the world change then? The possibilities of transformation are limitless!  The energy of Aquarius and Uranus is setting us free. Use your freedom wisely.

The energy of this New Moon will be felt for the next 6 months. The ground of our Soul is fertile, what seeds will you plant? What are you wanting to create in your life? What do you wish to manifest? Notice the Aquarius energy in your astrology chart, it will guide you as to what your next focus can be for the next 6 months. Perhaps consider being a friendlier version of yourself in the world.

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Ana Pineda