Mars Retrograde Teachings

I was driving today as the opposition between Mercury and Jupiter perfected and Mars stationing for its retrograde period, and I saw a man during a red light get out of his car and start fighting with another guy on another car. It was vigilant yet scared, but assured at the same time, as it emphasized the maxim Astrology is based on, “As Above, So Below” The skies reflect the energies on Earth.

Mercury rules traffic, driving and travel. Jupiter can be arrogant, overconfident and dogmatic. Mars of course rules war and aggression. All leading to a perfect storm manifested in an argument in the open road.

Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are teaching us to mind our words and our tempers. Mars going retrograde gives us an opportunity to acknowledge how we handle stress, annoyances, irritation, frustration and the general angst of not getting our way. Notice your temper tantrums or those of people around you. Seek to be an island of peace.

Mars rules fire and courage. Notice how fire lights up within you. Get ignited in constructive ways. Mars is giving us an opportunity to be creative and courageous in our lives in new ways. The word courage comes from the root cor in Latin, which means heart. In order to be courageous, we must access our heart. We must enter the place within that is true, vulnerable, innocent yet powerful. Mars invites us to enter the heart and find our courage. The courage to live life from a truthful place. A place where we can be ourselves and let others be. It takes courage to be who you really are under the surface of all you think yourself to be.

For example, the kid that screamed at the other man in traffic. He lost himself for a moment. Yes, he had a moment of anger. But he is not his anger. We can get lost in emotions and thoughts and ideas of ourselves and forget the essence of who we truly are. We are Souls. Souls that are wise and kind and loving like the Universe that made us.  Made in the image of the One. So, as we get deeper into the Mars retrograde that begins on December 6th. Take a moment to meet with your heart. To find the courage in daily life to be who you really are. The Goodness. The Kindness. You are Love made from stars on Earth. And have the courage to help the rest of humanity remember who they are, when they forget. Because we are human and we forget.

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Ana Pineda