Week Ahead Astrology

It has been said that Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. If Venus is the planet of Love, then Neptune would be the higher expression and frequency of Love – Unconditional, Eternal Love.

Neptune turned direct over the weekend, a day after Pluto conjunct Venus. Notice what themes and patterns are coming up for you in your life in regards to Love. Not just romantic Love, but Love in all its expressions. How is Love being expressed in your life? How are you receiving and giving Love?

This week, Venus and Mars will oppose each other and again the theme of Love and partnerships shows up later this week and into the weekend. Venus also represents what we value and what we want to attract into our lives, so as Mars opposes Venus (and Mars is retrograde) we are asked to look closely at our intentions, actions, drives, goals and desires in the areas ruled by Venus and Mars.

Notice your Natal Venus and Mars as well as any placements in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) as these will feel the frequencies this week.

On Sunday, as Neptune the Higher Octave of Venus, was becoming direct, I found a deeply touching video of a Vegan chef whose wife had died some time ago. He said about his wife “So, here’s to another year missing you and being one step closer to the day when I’ll see you again, and time no longer holds us apart.” After her death, he decided to live a solitary life. In the video he spoke about living alone, learning to live with grief and the healing power of emotional support animals. I can relate.

Through the most difficult times in my life, animals have always been a source of support and unconditional Love. The video touched me and made me reflect on how important it is to have someone to Love. How Love is a human need like air and water. Whether we are loving a human or a pet, we need Love to survive and feel alive. So as Neptune turns fully direct, meditate on your relationship to Love: Who do you Love? And who Loves you?

The frequencies of Neptune are often compared to the ocean. But it is also, ether. Ether is the universal energy in every atom and subatomic particle that exists in the known Universe. Ether is the energy inside us and around us. In essence, symbolically, Neptune is the ocean of energy and Grace that flows in and out of us as we breathe.  So, is Love.  Love is the ocean of energy that surrounds us. The Universe itself is made of Love. So how are we as humans receiving and giving Love?

There’s a quote by Rumi that can help us meditate on this: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” What barriers keep you from loving and feeling loved? Often our barriers are perceptions. The way we perceive the world determines our experience of the world.

Perceptions can include ideas, thoughts, images, past memories…perceptions of what has been and may currently be, may keep us from fully expressing our capacity to Love and be Loved. What perceptions are keeping you from loving? What barriers keep love from coming in and out of you?  

To meditate on the importance of Love in your life, consider meditating on the last day of your life. If today was the last day of your life, what and who would matter most to you? How would you spend your last day of Earth and who would you share it with? What would you say? How would the last breath be spent?  Your answers can show you what matters most to you in your life.

As Neptune moves direct we have an opportunity to live our lives from a higher octave…a higher frequency…a higher perception and most importantly make higher choices. You can choose Love. You can choose to receive and give Love. Love those that are near you. Love those you carry within you. Love those that surround you and care for you.

As Venus moves into an opposition with Mars on Friday, December 13th, we have an opportunity this week to meditate on our partnerships. How is Love (kindness, friendship, generosity, compassion, understanding, etc.) expressed in your partnerships? Consider all your partnerships not just romantic ones. How are qualities of unconditional love expressed in your life and partnerships?

If you are in a partnership, consider the gift of the Vegan chef’s story as a reminder to us all about the importance of Love in our lives. If today was your last day on Earth (or your partner’s), how would you treat your partner? How important would it be that they don’t pick up their socks from the floor or make the bed? Consider what really matters at the end of the day…

If you are single, then this a great time to meditate on what kind of partner you want to attract into your life and what actions you are willing to take to help the Universe bring this person to you.

If you have chosen a solitary life like the Vegan chef, then keep your heart open and be willing to receive Love from all around you. Love surrounds us. Love is here right now. Breathe in Love. Give Love and Love will find you in a myriad of ways. Love your pets. Love your family, friends, plants and community. Love for the sake of Loving.

This week, the Universe is teaching us all about Love and partnerships. Pay attention to what shows up for you in your life. Love is now.

Expect another blog from me later this week. Thank you for sharing your life with me by reading my blog. Follow me for more on Instagram @anamariapinedacom or here on my website http://www.anamariapinedacom

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Ana Pineda