Venus Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Every year Venus meets with Neptune in a conjunction. However, every conjunction is unique. A conjunction is a seeding moment, the initial spark of the flame, the beginning of a new path or chapter in an area of our lives.

The first set of conjunctions between both planets in recent years started on February 2013. Something began in the Virgo/Pisces axis in your chart during that period of time. Since April 2024, Venus and Neptune have been meeting in the last three degrees of the sign of Pisces. Signaling the transformation or slow end of something that began back in 2012-2014. Notice themes and lessons that showed up in your life during those years and notice how that may reflect in your life now.

An ending can be a time of retrospection/introspection and a time of questioning/revising/revisiting whether what was started back at the first conjunction still makes sense now or not. Notice what placements you have in your chart at the last three degrees of Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) as these are activated by the conjunction that will occur on Saturday February 1, 2025, and the previous one that occured on April 2024.

Neptune in Pisces invites us to surrender, release and let go, but above all trust the Divine process of our lives. As Neptune meets with Venus, representative of our heart, there is something being transformed deep within our hearts. Both planets teach us about Love. Not just romantic and platonic Love but Love at a Grander Scale. Bigger picture Love. Both planets also teach us about creativity, beauty, music and art. New creative potential is being born within us.

Venus and Neptune will meet a second time this year in a final conjunction for a long time in the sign of Pisces at the 29th degree (which is the anaretic degree, the ending degree). The 29th degree is a sort of liminal space where the planet gets ready to transition into a new sign and area of your life.  The final conjunction occurs on March 27th, 2025. A new seed is planted in late March and into April, a new door opens as one closes. We may not yet know what the seed is about until the seed begins to sprout. Alot may be happening underneath the surface and the Universe may be working for you behind the scenes!

Imagine the seed of an sequoia tree (Sequoias live for hundreds of years and grow to be very tall). At first glance the tiny little seed holds no likeness to what it will become. And yet, as time goes by the promise in the center of the seed begans to grow until one day it becomes a grand, and beautiful Sequoia. Much like this, a seed will be planted in our lives during these two conjunctions. We may not yet know how these seeds will transform our consciousness, awareness or an area of our lives. But time and life will show us. What matters now is that we remain awake and pay attention to what life is constantly trying to show us and teach us.

It is interesting to note that Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the North Node of Fate are all in Pisces, and that all three planets will have changed signs by June this year. So between now and June something in our lives is changing and shifting. Something in the areas of Virgo/Pisces and Aries/Libra will radically change in our lives. All three planets are dissolving boundaries, obstacles, blockages and limitations. Limitations in our minds and hearts that keep us from building lasting forces of good in our lives are dissolving. Saturn in Pisces is bringing up the ways we keep ourselves limited, restricted and isolated from our heart’s deepest longings. North Node in Pisces is asking us to listen to our Soul for direction.

Venus and Neptune meeting in conjunction are asking us to dream. Dream a new dream, and with Saturn in the same sign it is as if the Universe is supporting us in manifesting this new dream. The North Node in Pisces is pointing us to the future, asking us to keep moving forward toward new goals and aspirations. Saturn is asking us to be realistic, grounded and practical. The dream that is birthing must to be grounded, real and tangible. Distractions, illusions/delusions and self-sabotaging energies must be cleared from our consciousness in order for us to step into a new beginning. A real beginning. Saturn teaches us that anything is possible with hard work and consistent effort.

Venus and Neptune in Pisces together with Saturn are helping us believe in magic again. Believe in the innocence that resides at the center of the human heart. The Light in your eyes that reflects the spark of your Soul. The Light at the center of your being, Venus and Neptune are leading us inward to the space within us that is untarnished by life….we are lead to enter the place where the human spirit can never be broken. There is a part of you that has never been broken. It cannot be. It is the Light of Spirit within you. The seed of potential planted in your first breath when you arrived here on Earth. The seed entrusted in your heart has been growing your whole life and is now ready to flower. Will you allow yourself to become all that you were created to be?

Let the Universe show you how…

Thank you for visiting. Come again :) and follow me for more @anamariapinedacom Expect another blog next week :)


Ana Pineda