Your Week Ahead Astrology
On Monday, the Sun squares the Nodes of Fate, and the skies mirror back to us decisions being made in our lives in preparation to next year’s big astrological configurations. Next year, all the outer planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto) will have changed signs. The outer planets play an important part in the evolution of us individually and collectively. We live in pivotal times. The Sun today and this week is asking us to connect to our inner Light, our Soul, our individuality, our purpose. In the solitude and silence of winter we can connect to the depth of Light within the human spirit. The Light of Grace is inviting us to listen within. The Nodes of Fate point us to the past and to the future, as we stand in the center of this present moment…its like the Universe asking us, now what? Now what will you do with this one life you have been given? The choices made through our thoughts and intentions will serve as seeds that will grow in the years to come. Listen carefully to life and the messages it is giving you about who you are, why you are here, what you want and what is yet to unfold.
In Tuesday, Jupiter (Expansion) squares Saturn (Contraction). This is part two of a three part series of energetic connections between the two planets that began in August of this year and will conclude next June 2025. Jupiter and Saturn met in conjunction back in 2020, starting us all in a new energetic cycle.
Jupiter wants to grow and expand, explore and become more, while Saturn sets limits, boundaries, brings up fears and tends to fall into depressed, frustrated states of consciousness. We may feel weary about the future and yet feel hopeful about what is to come. We may feel confused and unclear as to what we truly want. We may be going back and forth on more than one thing. Jupiter exaggerates and makes things bigger than they are. Saturn can make us be too grounded and not able to see the possibilities that are before us. The two energies squaring each other feel like something deep within us wants to implode or explode. There is a sense of internal pressure or deep desire to move ahead and push ahead. We want answers. We want clarity. We want direction.
However, Mars the planet of action is retrograde. We are asked to slow down instead. Take our time and while Mars is in Leo and Cancer. We are asked to listen to our hearts desires, intuition and emotions as to what is next for us. Saturn wants us to build solid structures in our lives that last the test of time, and Jupiter wants us to think big or go home. We want to expand and yet life is feels constricted and slowed down. As Mars retrogrades, I have found it helpful to work with the spiritual teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, “Peace in every step” and “There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way." If I am able to slow down, breathe and take this moment as is, then I can find peace and joy in what is. We so often fight reality. We want to be there and yet we are here. Be where you are. Find joy in the now. Find peace in the now. Now is all we ever have.
The Solstice and the depth of winter season in the Northen Hemisphere, encourages us to go within. To take some time alone and reflect on your life and the path ahead of you. In the end, we must focus on what truly matters to us. Winter is a time of hibernation. Go within. Ask your heart and mind the important questions. Write things down. Meditate or talk to your Angels and Guides who are always around you.
One image that I find helpful to meditate on: Is to take a walk somewhere in nature with a spiritual Teacher of mine. Who are your Spiritual Teachers? Whether they are living or on the other side, imagine walking down a trail (or go for a literal walk) with them. I like to imagine walking and talking with Buddha or Jesus. Just walking in silence with either one of them, soothes me and gives my heart peace and mind clarity. Whether their Spirit is literally walking with me or not, doesn’t matter. What matters is that I feel connected to something or someone greater than myself. That I feel my heart and mind connected to a Higher Wisdom, a Higher Love, a true friend.
On Christmas Day, Moon sextiles the Sun. The Moon represents family and home. It is a wonderful day to connect to the people and beings you love. The Sun brings lightness and joy to our hearts and homes. Welcome it. Embrace it. Practice gratitude and cherish every moment of this holiday season as next year or next moment could be different.
From Wednesday through Saturday, Mercury will activate the sky. Mercury opposes Jupiter on Thursday and Friday, and there may be travel or traffic delays. Communication issues may surface. Interactions may be frustrating or difficult. Stay present and connected to your inner wisdom. On Friday, Mercury squares Saturn, and obstacles, problems and limitations may frustrate or irritate us. Communication issues may arise at work or with the family. You may feel blocked or slowed down by people, places or situations in your lives. Saturn helps us mature and grow, so take the higher road whenever possible. Be the wise one in the bunch. From Wednesday through Saturday, practice patience, compassion and remember, “this too shall pass”(Robert Frost).
Expect your weekend forecast later in the week. In the meantime, if you celebrate, happy holidays! Make it a great week! Lots of powerful opportunities for growth this week! It’s gonna be a wild ride next year and I’ll be with you every step of the way! So make sure to follow me on Instagram @anamariapinedacom or come back to my website